Accelerator for Engineering Transfer Students


A Guide to Your First Year

A transfer student’s first year can be overwhelming, so below are guides to your first year at UCLA Samueli Engineering. It provides a week by week breakdown of the year and how you should spend their time. Printable links can also be found below.

The Accelerator and Pathways guides were developed by engineering transfer students for incoming transfers to help ease the transition into UCLA and provide guidance for important events and deadlines throughout the year. Be sure to come to the Fall Welcome Reception at the beginning of the academic year.

Fall Quarter

Focus on getting to know UCLA Engineering, concentrate on class performance, and the Engineering and Tech Fair

Week 0

UCLA Samueli Engineering Welcome & eStudent Fair – Ackerman Grand Ballrooms, Hear from the Deans, engineering student orgs, and important information to rock your 1st year.

MentorSEAS Kick-off & eTransfer Student Welcome Reception – meet your peer mentor, other eTransfer students, and hear about activities and resources from the eTransfer Center specifically tailored for the engineering transfer student.

Attend Club and Organization info-sessions – collect information; but, don’t overcommit. 1st quarter is about easing transition & class performance.

Week 1

Advocate for yourself in the classroom – Meet your professor and TA. Identify as a transfer student and ask if there is anything you should review to make the transition into the classroom successful.

Don’t go it alone – Make a friend in each of your classes. Have someone to answer questions, sound-board, freak out with, and study with.

Generate your itinerary – populate your planner with assignments, exams, registrar deadlines, etc. Use this as a guide to plan out your 10 weeks.

Evaluate your course schedule – see your Academic Counselor if you want to make changes.

Week 2

Start working on your UCLA Samueli Scholarship application – 1 application = consideration for multiple scholarships!

Engineering & Technical Fair (see week 3) resume-prep drop-in advising – Boelter Hall 6288

Try and land your first summer industry internship – Attend an Engineering & Technical Fair preparation info-session to learn strategies to identify companies and improve your interaction with representatives.

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables – begin & continue through week 10. Tutoring is also available through Tau Beta Pi & various engineering student organizations (see eTransfer Center website for links).

UCLA Engineering Faculty Advising – weeks 1 – 3. Hear from engineering students at a different point in the educational journey & about engineering research.

Week 3

Fall UCLA Engineering & Technical Fair – Ackerman Grand Ballroom

Give back to the community college community – volunteer at UCLA Engineering Day for Community College students.

Midterm season prep – start prepping for midterms that will start soon.

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Week 4

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Midterm season prep – Visit office hours to ask clarifying questions & gather information on exam content.

Week 5

Midterms are here

UCLA Samueli Scholarship applications due 

Schedule an appointment with your Academic Counselor to plan out your winter quarter courses

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Week 6

Instructor Office Hours post mid-term exams – discuss the outcome of midterm & any problems you got wrong.

eTransfer Center Life after mid-terms workshop & preparing for final exams

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Winter enrollment begins

Week 7

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Veteran’s Day Holiday – November 12

Week 8

Thanksgiving Holiday – November 22 & 23

No weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Week 9

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

eTransfer Center Paid Summer Academic Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) internship info-session – take the ultimate dive into using your engineering skills to solve problems. Contribute to the body of knowledge and advance innovation. See if graduate school is for you and get paid to do it.

Week 10

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

eTransfer Center Study Break at the Center – stop by the Center for a quick snack

Winter Quarter

Week 1

Student clubs & organizations –assess your bandwidth and consider getting involved in something. Attend networking events, join a design or project team, volunteer.

REU application – Drop in advising at eTransfer Center (weeks 3 – 7)

Advocate for yourself in the classroom – Meet your professor and TA. Identify as a transfer student and ask if there is anything you should review to make the transition into the classroom successful.

Don’t go it alone – Make a friend in each of your classes. You will want to know someone to ask questions, sound-board, freak out with, and study with.

Generate your itinerary – populate your planner with assignments, exams, registrar deadlines, etc. Use this as guide to plan out your 10 weeks.

Evaluate your course schedule – see your Academic Counselor if you want to make changes.

Consider taking an Engineering 96 – gain some hands-on design experience to help you discover things you enjoy & to share when applying for programs and positions.

Week 2

Faculty Advising – office hours are generally available in weeks 1 – 3. MUST complete this by spring quarter or a hold will be placed on your record.

eTransfer Center Paid Summer Academic Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) internship info-session 

REU application – order your transcripts, request letters of recommendation, start your statement of purpose and application

Winter Engineering & Technical Fair (see week 3) resume-prep drop-in advising

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables – begin & continue through week 10. Tutoring is also available through Tau Beta Pi & various engineering student organizations.

Week 3

Winter UCLA Engineering & Technical Fair

Midterm season prep– start prepping for midterms that will start soon.

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

REU application – Drop-in advising at eTransfer Center (week 3 & 4)

Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday – January 21

Week 4

REU application – Drop-in advising at eTransfer Center (week 3 & 4)

Undergraduate Research Program – finding a research lab info-session 

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Midterm season prep – Visit office hours to ask clarifying questions & gather information on exam content.

Week 5

Midterms are here, again!

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Week 6

Summer paid Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) application deadlines – generally mid-February

Transfer Student Research Panel – learn about what it is like doing research and how doing research can benefit you and affect your career trajectory

Instructor Office Hours post mid-term exams – discuss outcome of midterm & any problems you got wrong.

Schedule an appointment with your Academic Counselor to plan out your spring quarter courses

Week 7

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

President’s Day Holiday – February 18

Work hard – play hard – make some spring break plans!

Week 8

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Volunteer at Engineering Day for prospective transfer students 

Week 9

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Week 10

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

eTransfer Center Study Break at the Center – stop by the Center for a quick snack

Spring Quarter

Week 1

Advocate for yourself in the classroom – Meet your professor and TA. Identify as a transfer student and ask if there is anything you should review to make the transition into the classroom successful.

Don’t go it alone – Make a friend in each of your classes. You will want to know someone to ask questions, sound-board, freak out with, and study with.

Generate your itinerary – populate your planner with assignments, exams, registrar deadlines, etc. Use this as guide to plan out your 10 weeks.

Evaluate your course schedule – see your Academic Counselor if you want to make changes.

Week 2

Faculty Advising – office hours are generally available in weeks 1 – 3. MUST complete this or a hold will be placed on your record – oh no!

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables – begin & continue through week 10. Tutoring is also available through Tau Beta Pi & various engineering student organizations

Week 3

Midterm season prep– start prepping for midterms that will start soon.

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Discover UCLA Samueli Engineering – volunteer at our flagship recruiting event of the year!

Week 4

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Midterm season prep – Visit office hours to ask clarifying questions & gather information on exam content.

Week 5

Midterms are here

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Week 6

Instructor Office Hours post mid-term exams – discuss outcome of midterm & any problems you got wrong.

Schedule an appointment with your Academic Counselor to plan out your summer/fall quarter courses

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Transfer Bruin Day – Volunteer with eTransfer Center & meet the engineering admits!

Week 7

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Graduate School info-session – are you considering applying to graduate school? Applications are generally due fall of the year before enrollment

Week 8

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Week 9

eTransfer Center End of the Year Banquet

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

Memorial Day holiday – May 27

Week 10

Weekly upper-division engineering courses study tables

eTransfer Center Study Break at the Center – stop by the Center for a quick snack

Accelerator for Spring 2020

Each quarter the Engineering Transfer Center will debut the Accelerator for Engineering Transfer Students: a collection of events, activities, opportunities, and resources for students.

Student Pathways Guide Spring 2020

The eTransfer Student Pathways Guide provides a break down of events and activities listed out week by week be to make sure you do not miss important deadlines.

Downloadable Links

Fall 2019

Winter 2020

Spring 2020

Study Resources

Weekly study tables for upper division engineering courses start Week 2 of every quarter at the Nancy and Aaron Cohen Study Lounge in Engineering VI (room 134). It is open to all UCLA Samueli Engineering students and is a great opportunity for students to find others to study with. Pizza is also provided for those who are studying! Additional resources outside the center are as follows:

Study Resources

Study Hall

Tau Beta Pi along with ESUC and the Engineering Transfer Center hold Study Hall events for students in Upper Division Courses in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Bio Engineering.


You can find a list of tutoring services on OASA Tutoring page, including links to Tau Beta Pi (TBP), Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE), and Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) tutoring schedules.

Review Sessions

You might also find these student organizations’ review sessions helpful, so check out their calendars:

Networking Activities

The eTransfer Center hosts a variety of networking activities throughout the year. These are great opportunities that will help students maximize their time at UCLA engineering as well as meet other engineering transfer students like them. A full list of all of the transfer center’s past events can be found here


Speaker Series: Transfers Working in Industry

Tuesday, April 30 | 6:00 – 8:00 pm | RSVP Required

Engineering professionals who were once UCLA Engineering Transfers such as yourselves will be coming to campus to talk about their unique pathways to get to where they are. After the panel, all attendees will get the chance to practice their networking skills with the alumni.

Only 20 spots are available to Engineering Transfer students ONLY, so be sure to RSVP soon! RSVP for the April 25th panel here –

Speaker Series: Matthew Frost & Yesha Shah

Thursday April 25 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM | Location to be sent to attendees
Hear from eTransfers that came before you. Listen to testimony on taking the next steps after graduation. Hear what challenges lie ahead.
There will be an informal networking session that follows the speakers panel and is designed to offer you an opportunity to have a one-on-one with our guests.  
Seats are limited to the first 20 RSVPs and are reserved for UCLA Samueli Engineering Transfer Students only.  Please RSVP as soon as possible here –

Tech Summit

Saturday February 9th | 9:00AM – 3:00 PM | Campbell Hall | RSVP required

Alumni Majors Participating
North: Business, Chinese, Communication Studies, Design, Law, Psychology and much more.
South: Biochemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems, and much more.

Workshops, Info-sessions, & Student Panels

Below are various workshops, info-sessions, and student panels that are being held. These are designed to provide transfer students with information specific to their transfer experience. Through these events, transfer students can also learn skills and gain information that will help them with their professional development. A full list of all of the transfer center’s past workshops, info-sessions, and student panels can be found here

Transfer Bruin Day Volunteers Needed!

Saturday, May 11th

Do you want to give back to your community? Volunteer for Transfer Bruin Day! Several shifts are available from 12pm – 5pm. 

Sign up:

CAPS & UCLA Samueli School of Engineering

Wednesday 10-12pm, Thursday 2-4pm | Boelter Hall 6288G

Counseling and Psychological services are offering free, confidential, brief, support to students within the school of engineering. No appointment is necessary. 

Peer Advising Drop-ins Winter 2019

Boelter Hall 6288

Are you looking to apply for summer research internships?

Peer Advising hours is the perfect opportunity to go over your application or discuss any questions you may have about summer research.

Overwhelmed with classes and assignments? Talk to peer advisors about time management skills they have acquired as returning students to UCLA.