Celebrating eTransfers 2022!
A Message From the Engineering Transfer Center
We want to congratulate all of our alumni who will be starting a new chapter in their life.
2021 was surely a tough year to have as seniors. With the restrictions regarding COVID rapidly changing, the flip flop between in-person and online classes required both careful planning and the ability to adapt to change. With the ebb and flow of case numbers, everyone had to constantly readjust their lifestyles, academic schedules, and priorities. Transitioning to having in-person exams with masks on after months of online exams, choosing to go to class every day while knowing full well that you might contract COVID demanded an amount of resolve and courage, unlike any other year.
Although these trying times took a toll on all of us, they also ingrained the grit necessary to overcome any hardship that awaits us in the future. The qualities that were needed to navigate this unstable year, perseverance, creativity, and empathy, are also the ones that define good engineers.
Against these hardships, we, as the Engineering Transfer Center, also managed to adapt and thrive. We were able to host our first in-person Welcome in over 2 years, study breaks, and even a Scary-movie night for Halloween! Our student organization partners helped to create the UCLA Engineering road-shows to go out to local community colleges and encourage students to consider Bruin Engineering. We were able to host our first ever Pre-OPS program at El Camino College and are preparing a new cadre of trainers to teach their peers.
The Center hosted its first in-person Discover UCLA Engineering for Transfer Students with the student organizations and Departments since the start of the pandemic. Looking forward, we are gearing up for the summer Accelerator for incoming engineering transfers and have added additional Diagnostic Assessments to help students evaluate proficiency before fall classes start.
Eventually, this slow return to “normal” will be complete. However, the lessons we learned, the choices we made, and the abilities we gained will stay with us. These will influence the way we approach problems, react to change, and resolve conflicts. We tackle these challenges with you. Stay strong Bruin eTransfers! Congratulations on a successful year and for you graduating seniors; good luck in the next chapter of your life.
Congratulations to our 2022 eTransfer Student Graduates!
Congratulations to you on the enormity of your accomplishments! Good luck on your next chapter and come back and visit us!
Ainul Haqeem Bin Abdul Jamil
Chemical Engineering
Charyn Amianco
Electrical Engineering
Demi Fae Angeles Avilla
Chemical Engineering
Joshua Michael Aymett
Computer Science
Melissa Nicole Creus Babiera
Chemical Engineering
Armin Baktashian
Chemical Engineering
Andrew Steven Barrington
Mechanical Engineering
Pantha Barua
Electrical Engineering
Zoe Bennett
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Carlo Jon Berjamin
Mechnical Engineering
Vladimir Blas-Aquino
Electrical Engineering
Cameron Thomas Bowers
Aerospace Engineering
Ryan Brennan-Sykes
Computer Science
Hieu Chinh Bui
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Natalie Adriana Cabral
Aerospace Engineering
Trieu Quy Cao
Electrical Engineering
Brian G Cardinale
Mona Chahine
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Matthew Wei-Sern Cuico Chan
Computer Science
Justin Charis Chandra
Mechanical Engineering
Hwey-Ying Bethany Chang
Mechanical Engineering
Transfer Institution: Irvine Valley College
Transfer Champion: Gabriel Alpuerto, Thanks for being an excellent friend and being there for me when I struggled. Someday I will get my cookies.
Melissa Shelby Chang
Electrical Engineering
Lingtao Chen
Computer Science
Yuezhong Chen
Mechanical Engineering
Zhiyuan Chen
Electrical Engineering
Haoran Cheng
Electrical Engineering
Yutong Cheng
Aerospace Engineering
Jose Miguel Chevalier
Chemical Engineering
Johan Chihan Chiang
Computer Science
Eugene Choi
Computer Science
Hojin Choi
Chemical Engineering
William Peter Rice Cox
Mechnical Engineering
Francisco Osiel Cruz Tapia
Computer Engineering
Nayiree Dahjet
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Hannah Faye Sianghio De Castro
Computer Science & Engineering
Christopher Desmond Derdena
Material Science & Engineering
Gustavo Nicholas Diaz
Chemical Engineering
John Paul Dillard
Electrical Engineering
Brayden Thomes Diver
Aerospace Engineering
Daniel Vinh Do
Aerospace Engineering
Van Thanh Nha Do
Electrical Engineering
Ryan Long Doan
Computer Engineering
Hiep Minh Dong
Chemical Engineering
Kwonbeen Du
Electrical Engineering
Jonathan Duong
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Jasper Quinn Edbrooke
Computer Science
Elijah John Ellsberry
Computer Engineering
Sami Eltawil
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Austin Dante Eral
Computer Science
Howard Arthur Evans
Mechanical Engineering
Iman Fawzy
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Transfer Institution: Ohlone College
Transfer Champion: My Parents, Thank you for always supporting me and having my back! 🙂
Elle Cherise Feuerstein
Computer Science
Saeed Firoozi
Electrical Engineering
Anthony Fuentes
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Joshua Allan Futterman
Computer Engineering
Keiran James Glynn
Computer Science
Nicholas Scott Godshall
Mechanical Engineering
Ramiro Gonzalez
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Suroosh Shahmardan Goshtasbi
Mechanical Engineering
Demyana Gouda
Electrical Engineering
Garret Diego Grant
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Erdi Haciogullari
Computer Science
Tyler James Hackett
Computer Science & Engineering
Ryan Han
Computer Science
Kevin T Harvey
Aerospace Engineering
Shahrul Kamil Bin Hassan
Electrical Engineering
Kenta Daniel Hayakawa
Computer Science
Nhat Tan Ho
Computer Science
Adrian Hung
Computer Science
Gary Immanuel
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Arian Jafari Mimandi
Electrical Engineering
Daniel Garrett Jaffe
Computer Science
Pill Jang
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Jin Jen
Mechanical Engineering
Jenella Jiang
Material Science & Engineering
Tianze Jiao
Electrical Engineering
Seoyoon Jin
Computer Science
Leroy Joenoes
Chemical Engineering
Pavan Kumar Jonnalagadda
Aerospace Engineering
Taek Jeong Jung
Mechanical Engineering
Shakeh Kalantarmoradian
Electrical Engineering
Anthony George Karapetian
Computer Science
Pasakorn Kasemsri
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Austin Cody Keil
Computer Science
Amin Ebrahim Khatibi
Mechanical Engineering
Yaser Bilal Khokhar
Anthony Darius Khoshrozeh
Computer Science
Anthony Kim
Electrical Engineering
Dongwook Kim
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Minsoo Kim
Jonathan Christian Kosasih
Mechanical Engineering
Lok Him Lai
Aerospace Engineering
Khoa Tien Le
Computer Science
Joshua Bohyung Lee
Computer Science
Nathakin Leepreecha
Computer Science
Michael Edrick Leonffu
Computer Engineering
Sivan Emily Levy
Electrical Engineering
Sheng Li
Chemical Engineering
Yiming Li
Mechanical Engineering
Jonathan Yu-Tseng Liau
Computer Science
Dacheng Lin
Computer Science
Kyin Hui Lin
Electrical Engineering
Lawrence Lin
Computer Science
Jiahe Liu
Computer Science
Alexis Raquel Lopez
Mechanical Engineering
Salvador Gibran Lopez
Electrical Engineering
Zhiyang Lu
Mechanical Engineering
Trung Quoc Luong
Computer Science
Young Sung Lyun
Electrical Engineering
Guanqun Ma
Computer Science
Cameron Michael Maiden
Electrical Engineering
Nikan M Malek
Mechanical Engineering
Isabelle Marie Marchand
Computer Science
Aleksei Martynchik
Computer Science
Xiaohan Mei
Aerospace Engineering
Tara Alexandra Mellor
Aerospace Engineering
Sophia Anne Mesler
Ethan Anthony Mitchell
Electrical Engineering
Victor Adalid Mojica Morales
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Saman Moogahi
Electrical Engineering
Laura Morales Ceja
Material Science & Engineering
Andrew Hanna Mourad
Aerospace Engineering
Michael Stephen Munguia
Mechanical Engineering
Moaddat Zahra Naqvi
Electrical Engineering
Duc Anh Nguyen
Computer Science
Huy Hoai Nguyen
Computer Science
Tri Nguyen
Electrical Engineering
Nik Shadzril Shahmi Bin Nik Adnan
Aerospace Engineering
Richard Allen O’Berg
Mechanical Engineering
Minsuk Oh
Computer Science
Yoonseok Oh
Chemical Engineering
Kenneth Chunkhang Ong
Electrical Engineering
Lorenzo Ontiveros
Mechanical Engineering
Feiyang Ou
Chemical Engineering
Viktor Raheem Ramientos Pacis
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Heebeom Park
Mechanical Engineering
Jinbean Park
Computer Science
Cody Truong-Cang Pham
Computer Science
Guanli Qiao
Electrical Engineering
Kenny Quach
Chemical Engineering
Khoa D Quach
Computer Engineering
Leighton Edwin Quale
Computer Science
Brandon Michael Radford
Mechanical Engineering
Alejandro Enrique Ramirez
Mechanical Engineering
Avrin Readilaleh
Aerospace Engineering
Brandon John Reedel
Mechanical Engineering
Pooya Rezai
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Juan Carlos Rios Miranda
Computer Engineering
Dolores Rodriguez
Chemical Engineering
Rob Royce
Computer Science & Engineering
Robert Renzo Rabago Rudio
Computer Engineering
Sana Saeed
Computer Science & Engineering
David Medhat Felly Mina Said
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Carolyn Salas
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Max Edward Schaffer
Electrical Engineering
Ruixuan Shen
Electrical Engineering
Jonathan Jacob Sheridan
Mechanical Engineering
Stephanie Shin
Computer Science
Leondi Fungestu Soetojo
Electrical Engineering
Daniel Soto
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Brenden Jarred Stevens
Electrical Engineering
Justin J Suh
Electrical Engineering
Latisha Hannah Sumardy
Computer Science
Jingchao Sun
Mechanical Engineering
Zhenrong Sun
Computer Science
Saabir Rehman Syed
Aerospace Engineering
Alexander Yan-Ming Tan
Electrical Engineering
Justin Tang
Mechanical Engineering
Richard Chenxi Tang
Computer Science
Victor Wayne Tang
Computer Science
Estee Johanna Tcheau
Computer Science
Cole Makoto Ten
Mechanical Engineering
Michael Jamison Teppen
Chemical Engineering
Chee Jian Tey
Mechanical Engineering
Markus Noah Thiel
Chemical Engineering
David Loi Tran
Aerospace Engineering
Ivy Xuan Tran
Chemical Engineering
Vu Huy Tran
Electrical Engineering
Jasmin Alejandra Valles
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Pablo Alexander Velasco
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Naravit Vichathorn
Mechanical Engineering
Phuong N Vo
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Dao Ngoc Vu
Electrical Engineering
Adrienne T Vuong
Computer Science
Joshua James Walker
Electrical Engineering
Yanyu Wang
Computer Science
David Buddy Watson
Computer Science & Engineering
Christopher Thomas Webber
Mechanical Engineering
William Allen Welch
Mechanical Engineering
Ethan Jacob Wilcox
Aerospace Engineering
Fernaldy Wirawan
Chemical Engineering
Transfer Institution: Shoreline Community College
Transfer Champion: My Parents, I did it guys thanks to you
Donghang Wu
Computer Science
Juiwen Wu
Computer Science
Jiyuan Xiao
Computer Science
Zan Xie
Electrical Engineering
Audrick Yang
Chemical Engineering
Edmund Wansing Yim
Computer Science & Engineering
Jooeun Yoon
Randa Yousef
Aerospace Engineering
Chao Yu
Mechanical Engineering
Jeffrey Lee Yu
Electrical Engineering
Songlin Yu
Electrical Engineering
Xinghua Yu
Computer Science & Engineering
Qinglin Zhang
Computer Science
Shawn Zhang
Computer Science & Engineering
Victor Zhang
Aerospace Engineering
Yu Zhang
Computer Science
Kexin Zheng
Computer Science
Sihan Zhuang
Electrical Engineering